Our New Look is Here! Explore the Fresh Ella Rose Experience ✨

Kandice Adame

I like to consider myself an excellent listener, especially when it comes down to the desired look you want for your hair.

Having many questions and being a little picky is totally ok. I can feel the same and I love all things color!

Specialties: Extensions, Blondes, Color Corrections, & Vivid Colors

Education: TONI&GUY and I am certified in handtied extensions

My Favorite Products

Iles Finishing Serum

I don’t like using a million products, and besides a good shampoo and conditioner, my go-to for everyday use is Iles Finishing Serum.

It is my favorite all-in-one product that is perfect for extensions but amazing for wet or dry hair

Why I Love Ella Rose

I started at Ella Rose in 2021, and it has been nothing but constant growth.

I am a better person, friend, and hairstylist by being in this environment I am so grateful to be in.

Hobbies & Passions

I love cooking. I may not be the greatest (yet), but I love trying new things. My plants are also my babies. I love watching them grow!

I am a crazy balloon girl, I love hot air balloons, and the Balloon Fiesta is my FAVORITE time of year!!

Explore my work